Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Starting Level 3

As I come into the home stretch here with a little less than 2 weeks left, things are starting to settle down. Today we finished the first batch of level 3 coaches. Yesterday I had to leave training in the afternoon to go to a second training location at look at some potential training facility sites. I am developing a facility layout and making equipment recommendations for a new athletic performance facility.

Today as we finished level 3, the coaches took a break to celebrate a couple birthdays and performed a birthday song with a dance using some of our training exercises. They had a lot of fun with it as you can see in the video below.

Today's training involved speed agility, plyometric training and high intensity aerobic training. Tomorrow and Thursday will be spent running a quick catch up class for coaches that missed the initial level 1 and level 2 trainings. We should have at least 20 coaches. These coaches will get tested on levels 1 and 2 on Friday.

Next week we will get back to doing the last two level 3 training groups and test out the coaches on level 3. Time permitting I will be doing a basic athletic fitness seminar for sports like bowling and billiards that do not need the full athletic performance training.

I just got of the phone doing a radio interview with the University of the Philippines radio station discussing our work with the coaches and AIA.

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