Saturday, June 18, 2011

POC / PowerRev Level 1 Testing

On Monday and Tuesday evening we put over 80 national coaches through a written and practical exam on the level 1 training.

It really is better to give than receive when it comes to tests :-).
 Totie administered the practical tests for the power and core stations.
Ryan ran the speed and plyometric testing stations.
I ran the dynamic movement and agility stations.
AIA volunteer, Joseph, was in charge of the strength station
Coaches had to pick exercises to demonstrate and teach their partner. Each station had 3 to 5 exercises that could be randomly chosen by the coaches. The practical was worth 70% of the total points and the 25 question written exam was worth the remaining 30%. Coaches had to have a score of at least 75% overall to pass. Less then 10 coaches failed to meet the passing level, but were close enough to have probationary status and be allowed to go through level 2 (if they don't pass level 2 they aren't allowed to move on until passing levels 1 & 2).

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