Saturday, June 18, 2011

Davao Christian High School Clinic

Last Friday we traveled by plane to Davoa City which is on the southern most island of the Philippines. We conducted an AIA strength and conditioning clinic at the High School Wynsjohn, an AIA staff member, had graduated from.
We arrived later than planned getting into Davao by 4:30 PM and we conducted an informational session starting at 6 PM with 10-15 coaches. On Saturday, we spent all day doing a clinic with the coaches and 75-100 athletes from 9 AM until 5 PM with a break for lunch. Then coach Potit and Wynsjohn conducted a basketball clinic with the basketball players from 5-7 PM.

Our host Pastor Jere was great. He wined and dined us taking us to local restaurants to experience things like native chicken, BBQ Squid and other things. We also visited Kangaroo Coffee, an Australian chain of coffee houses, for coffee and desserts (Jeff should be jealous). The cool part of the coffee house was that it was owned by Christians and served as a Christian meeting and ministry place.

Pastor Jere gave each of us a box of sweet Pomelos, which is a popular local fruit from near Davao. We had to leave for the airport at 5 AM on Sunday morning. I had the chance to go and have lunch at coach Potit's house and was able to visit his church. Then we were back working with the POC by 9 AM Monday morning.

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