Saturday, July 9, 2011

Finishing Things Up

Finished up level 3 yesterday with a marathon testing day. We had over 70 coaches go through testing. Counting the couple that took the test early 80 or more took the test. Last week was busy with last minute projects. I had to do last minute proposals for an training facility and the new athletic performance testing program. Plus, the national boxing and karate teams wanted me to write up training programs for them.

Got all my souvenir shopping done, ready to relax for two days and fly home on Monday. Seen enough of malls and restaurants to last me for a while. Planning to visit Totie's house and meet his family tomorrow then leave for the airport from there early Monday morning.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sports Medicine Forum and First Friday Mass

Friday afternoon there was a Sports Medicine Forum put on by the POC for the coaches and the athletes. All of the sections of the sports medicine group talked about their areas. Coach Jim talked about the sports performance section and I got introduced and got to talk a little. The POC announced the plans for athlete testing and the new training center that I'm designing and making recommendations for.

 Not everyone was excited to be at the forum

and no these pictures were not taken while I was talking!

On the first Friday of every month the POC holds a mass for the coaches and athletes. Then they have a small dinner is served afterwards.

Combined Level 1 & 2 Testing

Friday morning we conducted the testing for the combined level 1 & level 2, some level 2 coaches that missed the original test, coaches that needed to retake level 2 and some coaches that had to take the level 3 test early. In all we had about 50 test takers.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Starting Level 3

As I come into the home stretch here with a little less than 2 weeks left, things are starting to settle down. Today we finished the first batch of level 3 coaches. Yesterday I had to leave training in the afternoon to go to a second training location at look at some potential training facility sites. I am developing a facility layout and making equipment recommendations for a new athletic performance facility.

Today as we finished level 3, the coaches took a break to celebrate a couple birthdays and performed a birthday song with a dance using some of our training exercises. They had a lot of fun with it as you can see in the video below.

Today's training involved speed agility, plyometric training and high intensity aerobic training. Tomorrow and Thursday will be spent running a quick catch up class for coaches that missed the initial level 1 and level 2 trainings. We should have at least 20 coaches. These coaches will get tested on levels 1 and 2 on Friday.

Next week we will get back to doing the last two level 3 training groups and test out the coaches on level 3. Time permitting I will be doing a basic athletic fitness seminar for sports like bowling and billiards that do not need the full athletic performance training.

I just got of the phone doing a radio interview with the University of the Philippines radio station discussing our work with the coaches and AIA.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Level 2 Testing

We completed the level 2 training this week and conducted the written and practical testing for level 2 all day Thursday. We had over 60 coaches complete the testing with only five mot receiving a passing score. There are still 20 coaches that had not taken the test. Some of those may still take the test when we do a short level 1 & 2 training that will catch up 15-20 coaches the end of next week. The first batch of coaches will go through level 3 next Monday and Tuesday.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Off: Trip to the mall and fencing competition

Sunday was a relaxing day off. Ryan and I ventured off to a mall for lunch. Since we have been training the fencing coaches and taking up their fencing hall most of the day for training, we decided to go to the mall that they were having a fencing competition at. We had a chance to talk some with the head fencing coach and had a chance to see one other coaches we had been training compete and will her event.

I don't know that I'd chose watching fencing over a Brewers game, but it was good to see some of the coaches we have been working with in their element.

National Boxing Team and continue Level 2 training

The second batch of coaches went through level 2 training on Friday and Saturday. On Friday the national Boxing team asked for a program to be designed to prepare the boxers for this year's world championship (which will serve as the qualifying tournament for next year's Olympics). They expect 6-7 boxers to qualify.

In Tagalog there isn't a letter "x" so boxing is spelled with an ks to make the x sound. 

Craig would have been proud of Totie putting the coaches and athletes through a classic "Schinck" leg circuit. Too bad they still had another activity segment after this.